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长期以来关于诸葛亮事迹的展览一直阙如,今成都武侯祠决定将听鹂馆重点改造,更名为孔明苑。文章详细论述了新一届领导班子上任后克服重重困难,进行了从展陈内容、展陈方式和展陈效果方面充分体现游客的参与性的大胆改造。通过此次尝试,成都武侯祠博物馆获得了一定的经验,为使孔明苑成为专门展示诸葛亮文化的地方,并最终形成“三国文化收藏、研究、展示中心”,奠定了基础。  相似文献   
1950年代前后,为数众多的文人开始启程离开大陆南向香港,架构了史上另一波的流动轴线。这一波南来文人力匡、贝娜苔、赵滋蕃、易文、徐訏等建构故乡─香港─异国─香港移动踪迹与书写墨痕,透过文人们生就具有的创作冲动交出可观的在地书写。这些作品字里行间所流露的不安、厌倦、自我退缩现象,在在指向了西美尔(Georg Simmel)"麻木"厌倦的心理保护机制论点,这为我们提供了重新思考南来文人重生或再生、归去或归来的刻画过程。在处境上这些南来文人并非一般认知的强者主体,反而是孤独、无助者。以此为视角,证成他们如何以书写呈现较少被视见的自保机制成为外显传媒的中介,进而铭刻异变时空下文人独特的心事与命运。  相似文献   
"孔颜之乐"是指高于物质生活的精神追求。历代儒者均以"孔颜之乐"为最高理想境界。元代由于其历史的特殊性,元代儒者如何达到人生之"乐",怎样获得人生之"乐"的问题便具有了特殊的含义。吴澄是元代著名理学家。他通过对孔颜之乐的阐发,使得儒家的理想人格得到了重新全面的肯定,为元代儒者的精神追求提供了一个安身立命的支柱。  相似文献   
This paper describes the re-migration and adjustment of Indonesian Chinese to living in Hong Kong and their cultural belonging to Hong Kong, China, and Indonesia. Known in China as guiqiao or ‘Returned Overseas Chinese’, these were Chinese who re-migrated from Indonesia to mainland China in the 1950s and 1960s. By the early 1970s, many were allowed to migrate to Hong Kong. Although arriving with very little money, many have succeeded in establishing a fairly good life in Hong Kong, although there are also many who survive on low incomes. This paper discusses the experiences of the Indonesian Chinese in relation to local and transnational belonging, the perception of homelands, and the re-establishment of a Southeast Asian lifestyle in Hong Kong.  相似文献   
导入语、判决语、引用语三方面所用语言情感色彩在两岸三地刑事案判决书中是不同的.刑事判决书语言的情感序列为:香港>澳门>台湾>内地.导致这种结果的原因大致有三个方面:传统文化与法系影响;对法权实现途径的语言认识;语言在法律适用过程中体现的人文关怀.内地刑事判决书应当汲取港澳台三地刑事判决书的长处,为建立和谐社会作出贡献.  相似文献   
以1979年至2004年的"人大复印资料·中国现代、当代文学研究"和<读书>作为考察对象,通过对学界具有一定权威性的期刊用稿倾向的分析,点评近年大陆学界的香港文学研究状况,从批评视野的限制、理论与方法空间的调整及其有效性等方面的考察入手,指出目前大陆学界的香港文学研究走向学术升级的症结所在:就现象研究而言,须摆脱传媒热点问题的干扰,在流行文学以外给文艺小说更多的关注,发掘出真正具有文学史意义的作品;就学科理论体系的建构而言,需要建立具有理论生发能力和原创性的学术话题来促进学术研究水平的提升,此外,学术评价体制对学科研究前景的影响也不容忽视.  相似文献   
Globalization, de-industrialization and Hong Kong's private rental sector   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of scholars have identified a changing role for private rental housing, as it becomes a more mainstream tenure to house the insecure rich and poor alike in globalizing cities. Hong Kong is an important global city and is experiencing rising rates of social polarization associated with globalization generally, its articulation with the Chinese economy specifically and the impact of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997. Our empirical research suggests that Hong Kong's private rental sector has responded to and articulates with the city's specific globalization trajectory. It increasingly houses the highly paid, highly skilled but relatively insecure elite and the low paid, low skilled and very insecure underclass, for whom prospects of public housing or home ownership are diminishing. Private renters are younger, more mobile and house both top-end and bottom-end ethnic minorities. The traditional role of private renting and large scale obsolete inner-city housing stock, combined with the aggressive development of up-market and highly desirable private housing estates makes the sector particularly adept at meeting the needs of Hong Kong's hour glass shaped global society. We anticipate that the size of the private rental sector will increase, albeit from a low base and that its hour-glass shape will become more pronounced.  相似文献   
香港与内地分离长达一个半世纪,在英国殖民统治过程中,逐渐形成了以英国普通法为基础的法律制度体系。回归后,原有法律基本不变,使得香港与内地在一个主权国家范围内分属于两个不同的法域,从而不可避免地产生法律适用上的冲突即区际法律冲突。切合实际的协调办法是在近期内适用冲突法中的冲突规范来协调,然后制定统一的区际冲突法  相似文献   
<孔丛子>一书最初以<盘盂>作为书名,东汉以后始名<孔丛>,宋人改作<孔丛子>,当以<孔丛>为是.其书作者,旧题汉孔鲋撰,宋以后多疑后人依托,今人径称伪托.窃以为前六卷当出自孔鲋之手,第七卷为东汉时孔氏后裔补缀.其书在形成过程中被一再修润,故其文风类似东汉人.笔者发现书中所记多处不合常情常理,子思与孟子的对话更出于杜撰.对于全书内容的可信度有待通过深入辨析予以确定.  相似文献   
临川孔氏系孔子后裔,其始迁祖有二:孔彦邦、孔琬,均为孔子49代孙,在南宋孝宗朝落居临川,至今800余年,传30余代,子孙以万数,文章对其源流和名贤略作考证。  相似文献   
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